When selecting the washing machine, we wanted a high end make and the quietest machine possible, since we have an open plan kitchen and lounge. The best washing machines are widely believed to be those by Miele. However their integrated machine costs over £1000, more than twice as much as other high end machines. We narrowed our search down to Liebherr and Miele, again the same company. However they didn’t make a machine in the height we wanted. The Bosch and Siemens offerings in stainless steel were not as attractive, so we went for a mid range Bosch with a silver finish door.
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
Kitchen Phase 3 : Selecting Appliances
When selecting the washing machine, we wanted a high end make and the quietest machine possible, since we have an open plan kitchen and lounge. The best washing machines are widely believed to be those by Miele. However their integrated machine costs over £1000, more than twice as much as other high end machines. We narrowed our search down to Liebherr and Miele, again the same company. However they didn’t make a machine in the height we wanted. The Bosch and Siemens offerings in stainless steel were not as attractive, so we went for a mid range Bosch with a silver finish door.
Kitchen Phase 2 : the Surveyor
New Kitchen!
Exactly as you might expect the first task is to look at several kitchen companies and get a feel for their products and prices. We looked at Kitchens Direct, Wickes, B&Q, Screwfix, MFI and several expensive showrooms (located just north of Oxford Street). We quickly came to the conclusion that there was little difference in all the kitchens as all featured MDF carcases and most had laminate doors. Similarly prices didn’t vary that significantly between quotes.
We decided on the Kitchens Direct offering. Ironically it was the first quote we received and by far the nicest kitchen, featuring real birch doors, coloured pear effect laminate carcases and soft close on all doors and drawers. We agreed a couple of things to reduce the cost. Firstly we would remove the existing wall tiles prior to fit and second we took the finance package. Finance gave us a 10% discount against the full price. Of course the interest rate is silly, but the redemption penalty for settling in full is 1.65%. Hence we received an 8.35% discount and some useful credit history.
It's worth noting that Kitehens Direct and Moben are owned by the same parent company. Only Moben has showrooms where you can view a completed install. As always, don't be fooled by the 'sale must end' hype. There was a gap of a couple of months between order and delivery and the price hardly changed!
Sunday, 20 May 2007
Bournemouth Blast and Broken Betty
The last bank holiday we took a trip down to Bournemouth. The papers widely predicted chaos on the roads as people drove more miles over the weekend than before. A quick post on PistonHeads suggested an alternative route using A roads rather than motorways. It was a truly memorable drive. We set off late in the evening and the roads were quiet! The Porsche was in top form and we covered the ground with real pace, indeed the only car to overtake us, was another Porsche, who was venturing well into licence loosing speeds. It really is a brilliant car. SWMBO realised that we were travelling quickly but felt safe in the passenger seat. The suspension enables the car to grip like a limpet while the power is so smooth it feels effortless.
The Porsche Litronic headlights are amazing. These are high intensity discharge for dipped and conventional halogen for main beam. The dipped beam is very bright and clear, like no other car I’ve driven. It provides amazing confidence to see and press on. Then when you activate the main beam, the dipped level is raised to flood the road further. It is utterly brilliant.
The following day, we went for an excellent walk in the country. We passed Madonna’s country house, which is exquisite with acres of beautifully tended lawns, bordered by native flowers and trees. A few kilometres later, we met up with some paragliders and spent a pleasant hour sitting in the sun on the side of a hill.
It was a beautiful day and SWMBO fancied driving Betty. Top down, it was the perfect day for a drive in the country. The two girls set off in the Porsche with the boys following in the chase car. We met up again back in Bournemouth and I realised that the power steering wasn’t working!
SWMBO and I have this running joke that she breaks things. I’m not the only one to poke fun at her. Indeed, at an early age, her Nanna named her “Whelan the Wrecker” after the famous Australian demolition company! Of course the fault was not anything she did, but it was funny that it broke while she was driving!
After some more research on PistonHeads, the car is now with Camtune being repaired. It turns out that a low power steering fluid level caused the pump to overheat and melt the reservoir. They are a very refreshing garage to deal with. They don’t see Porsche owners as cash cows to be milked and take the time to explain the problem and resolution in detail. It might not be cheap, but you know where your money is being spent and that a good job is being undertaken. I can’t wait to get the car back next week.
Tuesday, 1 May 2007
Porsche Sports Exhaust
Around the built up streets of Wapping, the wails and howls reverberate off the buildings. With the top down, it’s real spine tingling stuff. I recall at the weekend approaching a mini roundabout. I spotted two pedestrians standing just off the kerb. I was slightly perplexed as to why they weren’t crossing. I was only meandering at a couple of thousand rpm in first gear. Then I twigged, it was the noise! Based on the sound, they were expecting something to be racing down the narrow street! I stopped, smiles were exchanged and they crossed in peace.
The second experience was on Sunday. SWMBO and I had cabin fever and went out cruising round London. We had no idea that the Gumball 3000 was also setting off that day. We ended up crawling in traffic in one direction as the Gumballers passed travelling in the other. I was really surprised how many people turned out to see them off. I guess the dream of driving a fast car across Europe has more allure than I imagined! The streets were lined on one side and the central reservation with people keen to get a peak. The Ferraris and Porsches were revving hard, much to the delight of the spectators. I couldn’t resist it and gave my own flat six a good blip. The crowd looked round in surprise, they weren’t expecting the same flat six noise from behind them! As I sniggered and grinned to myself, I caught the eye of a couple. They were smiling and laughing too, they commented, “you should be on the other side!”. Priceless.
Long live the PSE. Hip, hip, HOORAY!
Thursday, 19 April 2007
PS3 Supercomputer
Saturday, 14 April 2007
Boxster Trip to Ace Cafe
The cafe itself is very interesting. It's themed on mods and rockers. Something I only vaguely remember from my childhood. Today the tyre marks on the road show that it's still a haunt of bike and car petrol heads with many regular meets there.
Breakfast was good, served as ever by our trusty eastern european migrant workforce. The conversation was also good and I gained a lot of useful info on where to go to have my car properly maintained.
The drive back was fantastic. Bright warm sunshine, top down, light traffic. Man and machine in perfect harmony. The corners flowed together, Same Man on Kiss 100 being punctuiated by the rasping howl of the sports exhaust. Beautiful!
Thursday, 12 April 2007
Boxster S : First Impressions
Driving it back from Essex to London was a pleasure. The car is very responsive in any gear at any speed. The flat six configuration gives it a really smooth and free revving nature too. Sixth gear enables you to cruise along from 30mph – 160+mph and still effortlessly keep up with traffic. This makes progress really effortless. And if you do really want to overtake, just drop it a cog or two and squirt past in a very assured manner.
Ride and handling is also excellent. You get all the feedback you need along with assured roadholding and massive grip. Driving over a coin, you could probably guess if it was heads or tails, yet the ride is surprisingly supple. Indeed, the stiff chassis means that cobbles are dealt with easily. There’s none of the dreaded scuttle shake here. It really is a very elegant and effective setup.
Although SWMBO only had a short trip round London, she is really impressed too. She was very impressed with the comfort of the optional sports seats.
I can’t wait to use the car more to get to know it’s limits and capabilities better. Roll on the weekends away and trips to Europe!
Independent Rates Wapping in Top Ten
In summary, it says:
4. Wapping £1.29m
Property: Three-bedroom luxury flat. Postcode: E1W is a desirable and vibrant young community. It is the only London postcode in the top 10. Amenities: Well located for the 2012 Olympics; walking distance of the City.
Tuesday, 10 April 2007
Free Choice - or is it?
Imagine there were just two bottles on the wine list. One at £6 and a second at £18.
Now imagine there is a third bottle on the list at £34 a bottle. Are you more likely to buy the £18 bottle now? Most people are.
Porsche have done the same too with their model range. They have three sports cars. The Boxster, a convertible sportscar, the Cayman – a tin top Boxster and the 911 – the fastest in the range.
Before the Cayman it was just Boxster and 911. You either bought the cheaper, but very capable car, or the ‘ultimate’.
Now the Cayman – it is priced above the Boxster, despite being cheaper to produce than a convertible. Having a top makes it stiffer and so it will be better handling. Not that 90% of the owners will ever be able to tell the difference.
The case in point is the 911 / 911 cabriolet. The 911 cabriolet is more expensive!
So it’s all in the marketing. Make the Cayman more expensive than a Boxster and appear closer to the purist ideal of the 911 and people will buy it!
It’s no wonder Porsche is the most profitable car manufacturer in the world, making something like £15,000 per car sold.
Forget location, location, location. It should be marketing, marketing, marketing.
Sunday, 8 April 2007
Saturday, 7 April 2007
Wapping Music Video
Friday, 6 April 2007
Boxster S!

Friday, 30 March 2007
Cormorants : Mystery Solved!
Thursday, 29 March 2007
I turned up for the midnight ‘party’ on launch to collect my shiny new toy. I was quite surprised how few people actually knew much about them. There didn’t seen to have been much information in the general press or even sent to those of us who’d put deposit’s down.
So what can this new machine do. Well, so far I’ve:
- connected it to my Wi-Fi network – really simple
- downloaded and updated the firmware – again really simple
- surfed the internet – it was simple
- downloaded free games and trailers – simple
- watched DVDs – the quality of the playback is much better than the PS2
- watched Blu Ray movies – wow, stunning, even on an SD TV
- played Motorstorm – great graphics, good soundtrack, great gameplay
- played Resistance : Fall of Man – again, wonderful
- performed some Folding at Home – an excellent distributed computing project
Still to come is installing Linux which will give full access to Firefox for browsing, Thunderbird for mail and a host of other excellent free applications.
It’s also the small things that make it so nice. The controllers and DVD remote use Bluetooth, so you don’t have to even point them at the console. Hide it in a cupboard if you like! It has a single large cooling fan, not perfectly quiet, but a very good effort. It can be turned off from the remote. It’s just very well thought out.
Well done Sony. What a machine. It will keep chavs and techies off the streets for years to come!
Wednesday, 28 March 2007
Boxster S
A twisting road, no traffic, a centrally mounted tacho, 3.2 flat six singing as the wind whistles past your ears. Ahhhhhhh! . . . . . . . . SWBMO telling you to slow down.
Now to find a good one!
Friday, 23 March 2007
Mercedes E280 CDI
In general as a drivers car, it’s a tad too soft and lazy to be really involving. The road seems somewhat distant, which helps keep the pace relatively sedate in the twisty bits. Everything in the car is a shade of silver. All the controls, switches, leather, even the wood is stained dark grey so as not to upset the balance. It sort of sums up the car, one for people who are going a bit grey!
The three really phenomenal things about this car are the suspension, parking sensors and the fuel economy.
The ride is very smooth and soaks up pretty much anything without alerting the passengers. This does tend to turn the driver into a passenger too of course, but you could never get fatigued from driving this car.
The parking sensors are a series of lights on the dash (for the front sensors) and on the interior roof (rear sensors). They progressively illuminate several amber and then two red at each side of the car. They are also well calibrated so that two red means a few inches from the object. No annoying beeps and you know which side the object is on. Simple but brilliant.
As for fuel consumption, this car would run off the fumes from an oily rag. Driving around London in a spirited fashion (where possible) give a very impressive 30mpg. Hammering along the motorway at a naughty but nice fast lane pace gave 40mpg! That’s nothing short of amazing for a bus sized car with a 2.8 V6 engine!