Sunday, 20 May 2007

Battlestar Galactica Series 3 Finale

I've been enjoying the latest series of Battlestar Galactica. It's so easy these days to use a bittorrent client to download television from around the world. A quick conversion and it's simple to burn onto a rewritable DVD and watch it via the Playstation3 on a normal TV.

It was becoming a little drawn out, however what a finale! You normally expect some sort of human - alien stand off, but this was just so much more. And all set to a superb music track. Little did I know that it was a Hendrix tune, ah how SWMBO laughed. We almost pride ourselves in having different tastes in just about everything. I especially like to poke fun at her for her 'crazy music'. Server me right I guess. Here is it on youtube if you'd like to see it.

DISCLAIMER / SPOILER - this is obviosly the finale, don't watch it if you don't want to know the twists in the plot and ultimately what happens!

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