Sunday, 7 January 2007

Battlefield 2142

I think I'm finally over my addiction for EA Games' excellent Battlefield 2142. SWMBO will be pleased. The first ten hours are tricky as you're up against experienced players. From hours ten to eighty is where the real fun is. Very much about discovery and refinement of your technique. Up to around 100 hours now. Excellent entertainment for only £30.

It's created a bit of a stir with it's in game advertising. It's just few billboards in the game and they report which you look at and how long.I don't mind that. It keeps the online gaming experience free of subscription.

I'm sure there's a post in there somwhere about total immersion games and escapism, or perhaps the relaxation of a repetative task, or maybe online gaming in more detail. In the mean time, time to catch up on lifes chores (like doing my tax return to avoid the £100 fine at the end of January).

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